Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Remember When—A Point To Ponder at Thanksgiving

The giving of thanks is rooted in one’s mind and activated in one’s capacity to remember-an active memory.

A young couple came to my Young Married’s Sunday School Class one Sunday morning. It was immediately apparent that the young man was suffering from a “drug” overdose; His wife had “drug” him to class and he was not at all enjoying the trip.

The central issue of discussion that morning was, “Giving Thanks to God.” With the conclusion of the formal presentation, the attendees were encouraged to share some of the reasons they had for giving thanks. The “drugged” young man could hold his peace no longer. He began a tirade, “I don’t have anything to thank God for! What has He done for me? I get up every morning, go to work, earn my pay, pay my bills, and buy the food for my family.” On went his boasting.

That young man could not remember when he didn’t have a job. His needs were met. He could not remember who had provided the job, to which he went daily; could not remember who it was that had kept him well, so that he could work to earn the pay. All the things for which he proudly gave himself praise had been provided by God. An over dose of self, will distort one’s thinking.

During this special season the quality of one’s thanks will be affected by the capacity of ones’ ability to remember.

What do you remember that fuels your thanksgiving of praise? To God be the glory, great things He has done!

Thank you Lord, for an active memory.


Rev. Dr. Johnie Carlisle, recently retired from active pastoring, is the former pastor of First A.M.E. Church in Pasadena, California. Dr. Carlisle received a Doctor of Ministry (D. Min.) from Bethel Theological Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota, and (West Campus) June 1997. Dr. Carlisle has also served as a Commissioner as well as the President of the Ventura County Planning Commission, Alternate Delegate, Ventura County Area Agency on Aging, which was a Supervisory appointment and currently serves as Mentor, Doctor of Ministry Program, Bethel Theological Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota. Rev. Carlisle was married to the late Mrs. Eunice Merrel (Craig) Carlisle for 46 years, and has three children; Mrs. Cynthia L. Fields, Daughter, Mr. Kenneth R. Carlisle, Son. Mr. Craig C. Carlisle, Son. seven grandsons; Marshall H. Fields, III, Brandon L. Carlisle, Shane Carlisle, Caeden Christopher Carlisle, Ryan Craig Carlisle, Evan Carlisle and Jaxen Carlisle.

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